(This blog’s page view data from Google Analytics; 43 posts in total in 2012)
Top 10 countries/territories and cities
- Most of my readers come from US and I’m glad my Chinese fellows still fork me since I moved to US this year (today is my one year anniversary in US).
- To my surprising there are much more readers from South Korea than from Japan(#12) and Singapore(#22).
- Readers from a secret city (#7) are watching me!
Top 10 referral social networks
- I’m happy that people navigating through Facebook also click this technical blog!
Top 10 mobile devices
- I think myself contributed a lot via Google Nexus 7 (#7) visiting my own blog (one upon a time in 2012, I had two new released Nexus 7 tablets at hand until one dropped down and another sold out…).
Top 10 most viewed posts
- Sublime Text 2 for SAS Programmers: A Quick Note
- Tony Barr and the Early History of SAS
- Face Off: Review OpenCDISC XML files
- My SAS Books: Shopping List 2012
- Statistical Notes (4): Dragon’s Teeth and Fleas: Hypothesis Testing in Plain English
- Statistical Notes (1): Geometric Mean and Geometric Mean Ratio
- Column Mode in SAS 9.3 Enhanced Editor
- Weekend Clip: Data Scientist
- Statistical Notes (2): Equivalence Testing and TOST (Two One-Sided Test)
- Is There Any Better Way? Publishing Process For CDISC Standards Documentation
Thank you my fellow readers and happy new year (if you like to have another break, follow me to celebrate Chinese new year at Feb 10, 2013 )!