Then I feel great to reset my year of 2012 as brand new one.
Today, Jan 23, is the first day of Chinese New Year, and it is Monday, the first day of work week–it is always joyful to have such coincidenceJ. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I had a big move this year. Actually I passed through multiply new years of 2012: I took my flight from Beijing in Jan 1 (happy new year!) and landed in Raleigh, North Carolina also in the same day due to the time difference among China and US where I take a new job as a Life Sciences Consultant at d-Wise Technologies. I’m not supposed to be a pure SAS programmer any more, but I don’t want to change the theme of my blog (“Hello World by A SAS Programmer“) since my most handy language is still SAS while my role will expose me more SAS products and solutions.
Chinese New Year is also called “Spring Festival” and “spring” is always the key word for the holiday:
(Chinese Characters for “the Beauty of Spring”. I wrote these years before in Beijing)
And I also want to spread my spring greetings with few sentences from Walt Whitman, These I Singing in Spring:
THESE, I, singing in spring, collect for lovers,
. . .
Collecting, I traverse the garden, the world—but soon
I pass the gates,
Now along the pond-side—now wading in a little, fearing not the wet,
Now by the post-and-rail fences, where the old stones
thrown there, pick’d from the fields, have accumulated,
(Wild-flowers and vines and weeds come up through
the stones, and partly cover them—Beyond these I pass,)
Far, far in the forest, before I think where I go,
Solitary, smelling the earthy smell, stopping now and then in the silence,
Alone I had thought—yet soon a troop gathers around me,
Some walk by my side, and some behind, and some embrace my arms or neck,
They, the spirits of dear friends, dead or alive—thicker
they come, a great crowd, and I in the middle,
Collecting, dispensing, singing in spring, there I wander with them,
Plucking something for tokens—tossing toward whoever is near me;
. . .