1 min read

Sail for Las Vegas!

look to the master,

follow the master,

walk with the master,

see through the master,

become the master.

The SAS Global Forum 2011 (Apr 4-7, Las Vegas) papers are now available on line:


There are lots of Web 2.0 elements in this year’s SGF, including a Twitter hashtag #SASGF11, a Facebook account, a blog, a LinkedIn group, and of course, sasCommunity.org. I will give a talk at this conference (Tuesday, April 5, 05:30- 05:50 PM, Promenade Level, Neopolitan IV) to discuss how to get informed with little efforts from such multiple channels for SAS programmers using Gmail and Good Reader to create a personal information portal. That is part of my first SAS paper, _Work Smarter Rather than Harder- Tools for Growing up A SAS® Programmer._

It will also be my first presence in SGF. Just can’t wait to walk with SAS masters there!