(Note: All the followings are tested on Windows XP environment.)
0. Install Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
Fast (and free) to download, easy to deploy and simple to admin–for learning and testing purpose, Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE, a mini version of Oracle Database 10g Release 2) are strongly recommended:
0.1 Download it at its homepage(206MB);
0.2 Install it following default settings;
0.3 Unlock accounts for HR and SCOTT. In a windows DOS prompt, using the following scripts:
sqlplus sys/YourSysPassword as sysdba
alter user HR account unlockalter user HR identified by YourHRPassword
alter user SCOTT account unlockalter user SCOTT identified by TIGER
Or you can accomplish these tasks within the Oracle web application:
1. Connect Oracle using SAS libname engine
libname SCOTT oracle user=”SCOTT” password=”TIGER” path=’xe’ ;
Note: xe is the default path for Oracle Database XE.
2. Connect Oracle using SQL Procedure Pass-Through Facility
proc sql ;
connect to oracle as orcl
(user=”SCOTT” password=”TIGER” path=’xe’);_select *
from connection to orcl_
) ;
_disconnect from orcl;</p>
Note: 1) In this approach, Oracle, instead of SAS, processes the SQL statement (i.e., you use the more powerful and flexible Oracle SQL syntax instead of SAS Proc SQL procedure for querying. For more, see SAS Doc).
__ 2) Your Oracle SQL codes should be placed in the <span style="color:#ff0000;">RED</span> blocks, and end without a semicolon(;):
_select *
from emp
3) Only basic Oracle SQL statements (select, create table, …)can pass through this facility.
3. Load SAS datasets to Oracle database
proc copy in=sashelp
select class;
4. Misc: Some differences between Oracle SQL and SAS Proc SQL
4.1 Table aliases
Oracle: from employees a;
SAS: from employees a; or
from employees as a;
4.2 Column aliases
Oracle: don’t use single quotation marks(‘’).
_select job_id as job, job_id job, job_id as “job” ,
jobid as ‘job’
_select job_id as job, job_id “job” , job_id ‘job’,
jobid job
4.3 Literal Character Strings
Oracle: Date and character literal values must be enclosed within single quotation marks(‘’).
SAS: Use both single and double quotation marks.
4.4 Order the null value
Oracle: Null values are displayed last for ascending sequences and first for descending sequences.
SAS: Null values are displayed first for ascending sequences and last for descending sequences.
4.5 Nesting Group Functions
_select max(avg(salary))
from employees
group by departmentid
SAS log:
ERROR: Summary functions nested in this way are not supported.
Optional approach for SAS:
_select max(avg) as max
select avg(salary) as avg
from employees
group by departmentid )
4.6 row number(_n_)
select rownum
from employees
select monotonic()
from employees
Note: monotonic() is an undocumented function of SAS, seehttp://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi29/040-29.pdf